On Sunday, September 25th, the SMA manned a table across from the Jacobs Theatre at the BC/EFA Flea Market during some glorious autumn weather. Board Member Dan Zittel headed the table with assistance from Bill Hare (Treasurer) and his wife, Hope Rose Kelly (2nd Vice Chair) and SMA members Jana Lynn, Evelyn Pummer, Michael Ghysels, Sally Garone, Zoya Kachadurian, Stephanie Armitage, Diane Trulock, and Madison Youngblood. The SMA table sold show jackets, t-shirts, playbills, CDs, and misc show memorabilia. The coconuts from “Spamalot” were a hit and was bought by a very excited young thespian. Another find was Robert Simonson’s “Performance of the Century” – a book about the history of the Actors’ Equity Association which contains info about various AEA stage managers including Dan Zittel.
Sixty-eight tables from Broadway and Off-Broadway shows, theatre owners and producers, merchandise and marketing firms, unions and guilds, and concessionaires raised $395,601 of the grand total which was $782,081. The SMA table raised $1,863 of that.
Looking ahead to next year, we are seeking a NYC-based SMA member to spearhead and coordinate the table for the next Flea Market. The duties involved are seeking volunteers to set up, man the table, and strike at the end of day. If interested and for further info, please contact Mandy Berry at mandy.berry@gmail.com[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]